Premium performance rigid Phenolic partial-fill cavity wall insulation board
Replaced Kingspan Kooltherm K8.
New lower Lambda Value (Thermal Conductivity) 0.019 W/mK… The most thermally efficient commonly used insulating board.
Low emissivity foil facings significantly increase the thermal performance of the cavity.
Boards are designed to fit easily with standard brick and block dimensions allow the insertion of wall ties at appropriate spacing.
Premium performance rigid thermoset fibre-free phenolic insulant.
Unaffected by air infiltration. Resists moisture penetration by allowing a clear cavity to be maintained.
Thicknesses and Availability:
Available in most popular thicknesses from the manufacturer; short lead-times apply as we may need to get the products in from Kingspan before delivering to site.
This Kooltherm Range includes the following readily available product thicknesses: 50mm, 60mm, 75mm and 100mm.
The following thicknesses are manufactured to order and may have minimum order requirements: 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35mm, 40mm, 45mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, 110mm, 120mm, 130mm, 140mm and 150mm.